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I know my values

Your values have a bigger impact than you think.

As a internal compass they influence your behaviour and your thinking. They are at the core or building functioning relationships.

Why should I know my values?

value-me for you and me

Werte deine Werte und werde, wer du bist.

Mit dem Test von findest du deine Kernwerte und verstehst, warum Interaktionen mit Mitmenschen so verlaufen, wie sie verlaufen.


CHF 12.- 

As part of your individuality your values determine your behavior.

They define how you see yourself and have been shaped unconscious over time.

That is why people who know their values understand their expectations and disappointments better.



CHF 19.- 

Couples often orientate themselves more on the deficits then on their mutual strengths.

As couple you can develop more solidarity and strength when you have previously determined your shared values. They serve as a foundation for joint decisions. Our value-assessment will lead you into dialog. 

Families and Communities

CHF 19.- 

Families and communities could serve as energy stations if there weren´t conflicting values or different visions of how community should work. Discover together which values strengthen your bond so that your gatherings become sources of energy and inspiration.


CHF 35.-

A maximized collaboration creates team spirit, affiliation and enables you to achieve things that really matter. Good cooperation is mainly based on the values that have to be defined collectively. 

Take the next step towards a better collaboration! is a online tool which allowes you to find your core values.

For a single test you need about 30 minutes of spare time, as a couple, community, familiy or team we recommend to reserve 90 minutes

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Value test

What are your values?

The coaches

We are a truly value based company. 

Our goal is not only to help you finding your core values, we also love to coach you through out the process.

At the end of every analysis you find the possibility to book a experienced value coach. Get insights about yourself and your values and change how you build relationships based on values.

Find your perfect Coach

Johanna Degenstein (17 von 108).jpg

Cornelia Busenhart

Business-Coach and Leadership Developer

Do you have questions or you want to contact us directly?
Hirschengraben 40
6004 Luzern

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